The 5 Benefits of Sleep for those over 50 for ageing gracefully.
Struggling with high blood pressure and elevated cholesterol? If you’re over 50, sleep may be the key. Find out how to create the perfect sleep schedule and why it’s essential for your health and wellbeing.
Could Stress Be Causing Your Cholesterol To Rise Along With Your Blood Pressure?
We’ve all heard the phrase “take a chill pill” but when it comes to stress, that might be easier said than done! If you’re feeling stressed out, you’re not alone. Stress is a normal – but overwhelming – part of life and yet if it’s not managed properly, it can wreak havoc on our body systems and overall well being as well as increasing our blood pressure and cholesterol levels.
4 Foods to Include in Your Diet For Improving Heart Health
Struggling with high blood pressure or elevated cholesterol levels? You know, switching up your diet can play a huge part in how you feel. Alongside treatment and lifestyle tweaks, the foods you eat can really help to lay the foundations for improving blood flow and a healthy heart.
Anita Bhikha-Willan
With 30+ years experience who has supported hundreds of clients to minimise the need for medications through food and lifestyle changes. This journey started two decades ago when a Naturopath was able to heal my own symptoms that my pharmacy toolbox couldn’t. I now help professionals over 50 whose cholesterol is high to lower their risk of heart attack without medication (or the side effects) so they can age gracefully, increase their longevity and stay healthy and present for their children and grandchildren.